Can You Have a Neck Lift and Facelift at the Same Time?
If signs of aging have affected your face and neck area, you may be wondering whether one procedure can correct all of these issues. Because sagging and skin laxity in the lower face tend to affect the neck and jawline as well, many people will benefit from a facelift and neck lift. These two procedures can be performed separately but are often combined to help you achieve your best results.
What is a Facelift or Rhytidectomy?
If you are frustrated with loose skin, wrinkles, and loss of definition in your lower face, a facelift or rhytidectomy may be the most effective solution. While minor signs of aging can be treated with non-surgical methods, this procedure can address even deep creases and severe skin laxity. Dr. Sonneveld may use one of several strategies to perform your facelift, which can take place using local or general anesthesia.

Can You Have a Neck Lift and Facelift at the Same Time?
Not only can you have a facelift and a neck lift at the same time but combining them is often recommended. Dr. Sonneveld typically performs some degree of neck correction with a facelift. Facelift results often look incomplete if you still have loose neck skin or sagging jowls, so a combined procedure gives your entire face and neck a firmer, more sculpted profile.
Dr. Sonneveld will assess your concerns and goals before developing a treatment plan. While you may feel like most of your concerns are related to your face, tightening the lower face, neck, and jawline together restores definition and an overall more youthful appearance.
What is Recovery Like After a Facelift and Neck Lift?
Some rhytidectomy procedures may be more in-depth than others, so each person’s recovery period will differ. You can expect some soreness, swelling, and bruising in the treated areas that start to fade after the first few days. Most people can return to low-activity jobs within two weeks and their full range of activities in six weeks.
Request a Consultation
Give us a call today at 817-927-1818 or fill out the form below to schedule an appointment. You’ll be happy you chose Facial & Cosmetic Surgery Fort Worth for your oral surgery and facial cosmetic surgery needs.
What Results Can I Expect After a Facelift and Neck Lift?
The results of a facelift become visible a few weeks after surgery as the swelling fades. It can take up to a year for your features to evolve and swelling to disappear. A facelift with a neck lift can last ten to fifteen years, but you may choose to have a touch-up procedure at any point. Since this procedure does not stop the aging process, you will still experience these changes over time.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift and Neck Lift?
A facelift and neck lift can solve a wide range of concerns, including lines and wrinkles, loose skin, loss of definition, and sagging jowls. Good candidates should have reasonable expectations and understand the procedure’s risks and benefits. A facelift is not recommended for those with certain medical conditions.
Take the Next Step
If you have further questions about facelifts or neck lifts, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Faces Fort Worth. Call us at (817) 927-1818 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.