How Much is Jaw Surgery?

Fixing jaw problems can dramatically change your life for the better. If you have severely misaligned jaws, jaw surgery can give you better function and better cosmetic results. Since jaw surgery can be performed for functional or cosmetic reasons, your insurance may or may not help pay for it. 

What is Jaw Surgery?

You may have a misaligned jaw for many reasons, though genetics play an essential role. You may have an overbite, underbite, or teeth that are out of alignment. Having jaws that do not align can cause eating, speaking, and even breathing problems. Dr. Sonneveld performs jaw surgery by reshaping the jaw as well as adjusting the size. Jaw surgery often leads to functional and cosmetic improvement.

Jaw Surgery Fort Worth & Arlington
Individual Results May Vary

How Much is Jaw Surgery?

Because “jaw surgery” covers several different procedures, costs will differ widely. A nationwide average of all jaw surgery types is $16,650. For a complex procedure involving upper and lower jaws and significant reshaping, costs can range up to about $50,000. Your general area plays an important role in your final price, and so does your surgeon’s skill and experience. If you have functional jaw issues, insurance may cover some of this cost. We also offer flexible payment plans to help you receive the care you need regardless of coverage. 

Types of Jaw Surgery

You may need jaw surgery on your upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. Dr. Sonneveld will use facial x-rays and advanced video imaging to let him plan the most effective surgery for your needs. Jaw surgery can be performed for many different reasons. Most jaw surgeries fall into one of these categories. 

Maxillary Osteotomy

The maxilla is the upper jaw. Your surgeon will move the jaw to its correct position and fix it with plates and screws. Incisions are made inside the mouth to prevent any visible scars. 

Mandibular Osteotomy

The mandible is the lower jaw. The surgeon will move the jaw forward or back to align it with the upper jaw. This can help correct an overbite, underbite, or other misalignments. 

Bimaxillary Osteotomy

In some cases, your surgeon may need to work on the upper and lower jaw to achieve the type of correction you require. During a bimaxillary osteotomy, both jaws undergo surgery. The surgeon can fine-tune the jaws’ position before fixing them into place. 

Request a Consultation

Give us a call today at 817-927-1818 or fill out the form below to schedule an appointment. You’ll be happy you chose Facial & Cosmetic Surgery Fort Worth for your oral surgery and facial cosmetic surgery needs.

How Long is Recovery From Jaw Surgery?

For the first two weeks after surgery, you will need to avoid all solid foods. You can eat pureed food or drink liquids. Dr. Sonneveld will prescribe pain medication to keep you comfortable. You can return to most normal activities after two weeks, although you will need to avoid strenuous activity or working out. Gum and hard foods should be avoided for at least one to two months. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Jaw Surgery?

You may be a good candidate for jaw surgery if you have a severe underbite, overbite, or misaligned teeth and jaws. People with difficulty eating or speaking due to jaw misalignment have a functional problem that jaw surgery can correct. People with crooked or crowded teeth that cannot be fixed with orthodontics also make good candidates.

The whole staff and doctors were very professional and I never had to wait when I arrived for my appointments.
Pam A.

Take the Next Step

If you have further questions about jaw surgery costs, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at Faces Fort Worth. Call us at (817) 927-1818 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to taking care of you.

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