Facial Trauma

Facial trauma can be caused by a variety of incidents, ranging from sports injuries, accidental falls, or even dog bites. Treatment for facial trauma or fractures varies widely depending on where it occurs and the severity of the injury. However, most fractures involving these regions require some type of treatment to improve appearance and functionality. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts in treating injuries to the mouth, jaws, face, head, and neck.

Facial Trauma Fort Worth & Arlington

Dr. Sonneveld is trained and skilled in the management and treatment of facial trauma. He and the staff at FACES Fort Worth are able to deliver emergency treatment as well as long term rehabilitation for facial injuries which include the following conditions:

  • Facial lacerations
  • Intraoral lacerations
  • Avulsed (knocked out) teeth
  • Fractured facial bones (cheek, nose, or eye socket)
  • Fractured jaws (upper and lower jaw)

Learn More About Facial Trauma

Depending on the severity of the facial injuries are classified into three types:

Soft tissue injuries (skin and gums): These injuries are typically facial lacerations and repaired by the use of sutures, tissue adhesives, staples, and skin-closure tapes in an outpatient setting. Care is taken to minimize scarring and also not impact nearby facial structures such as nerves or the salivary glands. Patients are typically asked to keep the wound protected, use an antibiotic, and not wet it for at least 24 hours after the repair procedure.  

Bone injuries (fractures): Fractures of the facial bone may cause pain in the cheek, irregularities in the face that can be felt at touching, and involuntary movement of the jaws. A CT scan of the head and bones may be done and then depending on the type and location of the fracture, the procedure is decided.

Some techniques include stabilizing the fracture by wiring the jaws or by the placement of small plates and screws. The latter is also called ‘rigid fixation’ and has a better recovery period allowing patients to return to routine work more quickly. More surgery may be needed in the next 6 to 12 months to correct any changes in appearance. Injuries to special regions: These include injury to the eyes, facial nerves, or salivary glands.

A physical injury to the teeth and surrounding dental structures are quite common. These injuries may range from a simple chipped or knocked tooth, to a jaw fracture and lacerations of the lips or gums.

For chipped or fractured teeth, a filing may replace the lost part of the tooth, or an artificial crown may be fitted.

Injuries to the back teeth where the pulp gets exposed may require a root canal in adults. Dislodged teeth can be restabilized along with a root canal treatment. Teeth that get knocked out can be replanted if they can be stored in salt water or milk and brought quickly to the clinic. If the teeth cannot be saved, dental replacements can be performed.

Give us a call today at 817-927-1818 or fill out the form below to schedule an appointment. You’ll be happy you chose Facial & Cosmetic Surgery Fort Worth.